Everything You Need To Know About Manitoba's Snake Dens From A Horny Environmental Scientist
"It's the time of the year where thousands of red-sided garter snakes wake up from hibernation to mate in a crazy orgy. I have to admit, I am aroused by a pile of snakes getting all frisky."
Ten Best Cities To Visit For People That Want To Get Attacked By Dogs
Looking for thrills this summer? Want to visit America's most gorgeous cities? Want to get attacked by a stray dog? Here is a list of the US's best cities to visit if you want to say "ow! I got bit by a dog" this summer!
I'm a real life kid spy and I've been a part of investigating the Kremlin, stopping terrorist attacks, and risking my life for the world. The 2001 action/adventure movie 'Spy Kids' is a brutal misrepresentation of what it's like to be a real kid spy and I hate it. I hate that damn movie