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Finally! New York's Most Famous Palm Tree Is As Tall As The Empire State Building

New York's largest and most famous palm tree is finally the same height as the Empire State Building.

I've Been Dressed Like A Blue Avatar Man Since October 2009

I loved James Cameron's 2009 blockbuster hit 'Avatar' so much so that I have stayed in costume since Halloween of that year.

Our Other Missile Defense Systems That Don't Work As Well As THAAD

I Fucking Dare You To Try To Remember The Names Of These SpongeBob Characters

Robert De Niro Definitely Doesn't Like Me

Robert De Niro is sitting near me me on the subway and I can tell...he really doesn't like me.

Trump Wins Hat Stacking Competition (42-9) And Is Now Legally Our President

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

8 Twitter Bots Totally Worth A Follow

Everything You Need To Know About Manitoba's Snake Dens From A Horny Environmental Scientist

"It's the time of the year where thousands of red-sided garter snakes wake up from hibernation to mate in a crazy orgy. I have to admit, I am aroused by a pile of snakes getting all frisky."

Trump's Childhood Home Is Now On Airbnb And Here Is The Listing

7 Other Fake Things At Donald Trump’s Golf Club

I'm A Man Who Can't Find The Exit Of This Movie Theater And This Is How I Would Change 'Wonder Woman'

Courage! This 39-Year-Old Finance Coordinator Shaved His Head In Solidarity With LeBron

Don't Forget To Praise The King Of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we need to give thanks to the man who started it all.

BUSTED: I Knew My Wife Was Cheating On Me With A Bird

True Patriot: This Man Won't Stop Saluting The Flag On The Moon

7 New EndZone Celebrations For A More Fun NFL

6 Actors That Could Play 'The Joker' In New Origin Movie But Why It Should Just Be A CGI Heath Ledger

Alternate Titles For Hillary's New Book "What Happened"

If it was up to her, Hillary Clinton's new "tell all" book about the election could have had a very different title.

TGI Almost Summer Again: Maybe Someone Will Unbury Me

"I've been buried since summer 2k15."

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I'm A Millennial That Quit Social Media For A Day

"I decided social media was becoming an unwanted large part of my life. So, for a day, I decided to not use it. You won't believe what happened."

You've Been Underutilizing Condoms Your Whole Life

Condoms can be used for a LOT more than just sex.

Alex Jones Attempts High Dive To End Globalism

Alex Jones wants to end globalism. Maybe jumping of a 175ft platform dive into an inflatable pool will finally do it.

Ten Best Cities To Visit For People That Want To Get Attacked By Dogs

Looking for thrills this summer? Want to visit America's most gorgeous cities? Want to get attacked by a stray dog? Here is a list of the US's best cities to visit if you want to say "ow! I got bit by a dog" this summer!

We're Kid Spies And We Hate The Movie "Spy Kids"

May 30, 2017

I'm a real life kid spy and I've been a part of investigating the Kremlin, stopping terrorist attacks, and risking my life for the world. The 2001 action/adventure movie 'Spy Kids' is a brutal misrepresentation of what it's like to be a real kid spy and I hate it. I hate that damn movie

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